Digital Media
Tell me and I forget; Teach me and I remember; Involve me and I learn.
– Benjamin Franklin

drinkPani truly believes in the quotation above, thus involves Young Water Volunteers-YWVs in different practical activities to augment their skills and ideas. This section presents you some insights about what we think and act in real life scenarios.

This research documentary is prepared as a video reporting of the initial design, concepts and activities in the case study area, Pokhara Metropolitan City, Nepal.

  1. Young Water Volunteers-YWVs given intensive training from experts within their respective ‘Water Clubs/drinkPani Clubs’ and Water Supply Coverage Area
  2. Students collecting water samples in the field as a part of monthly data collection from the sampling points

  1. YWV was preparing water sample for membrane filtration test with Letz Water Test Kit-Solar Incubation at ‘Janapriya drinkpani Club Lab’
  2. YWV was using the mobile application (drinkPani) for reporting: data entry and transfer